
WordRake Provides Great Value and Clearer Writing for Bardoel & Associates

“WordRake offers great value, and it allows me to express myself clearly.”

Aug 21, 2015

By John Bardoel, of Bardoel & Associates

I run a solo practice, Bardoel & Associates, specializing in commercial law, property law and conveyancing, wills and probate, and litigation related to wills and probate.  My law office serves the Melbourne, Victoria area of Australia. My practice keeps me very busy, and I have no one to check my work. After reading an impressive review of WordRake software in TechnoLawyer, I bought it straightaway.  I am in favor of using clear, plain English in writing my legal documents and saw WordRake as a tool to help me achieve this goal.

Now, I use WordRake on nearly every document that goes out of my office.  Primarily, I use it to rake through letters in Microsoft Word and e-mails, which I cut and paste into MS Word, and I also rake contracts and other agreements.  Most times, I accept WordRake’s suggestions, except when using specific legal expressions.

WordRake offers great value, and it allows me to express myself clearly.  It’s just like having a friend looking over my shoulder checking my work, which is exactly what I need.

After using WordRake for several months, my writing style has definitely improved, becoming clearer and more direct.  An unexpected benefit is it makes me think more about my communication style. The software intervenes less now than when I first used it.  I set a goal for myself of beating WordRake. If I write a letter and scan it without receiving one WordRake suggestion, then I have “beat the Rake”.  I’m not there yet, but I’m getting closer.

I have already recommended WordRake to my colleagues, and I will continue to recommend it.